Class Participation Exercise (CRC Cards)
Class Participation Exercise: CRC Cards
Instructions: You are tasked with the Object Oriented Analysis (OOA) of the following problem. Please make CRC cards (Class Reponsibility Collaboration) for each meaningful class.
I want to see if a skin-blemish changes over time. To prove that a blemish changes I need evidence (photos). I would like to take photos of these blemishes over time and store them in a safe place. I want the photos to be taken consistently. These photos can be provided to physicians when needed.
Example format:
Class: UFO Collaborator: Alien, Earthling Responsibility: Provide an Earthling abduction platform Responsibility: Carry Aliens
Class: Earthling Collaborator: Alien, UFO Responsibility: Abductee Responsibility: To be mind probed
Class: Cow Collaborator: Alien, UFO Responsibility: Abductee Responsibility: To be mind probed Generalization: Earthling
Repeat this format for each class you think is relevant.