Class Participation Exercise 15
Class Participation Exercise 15
Proper completion of this exercise is considered as part of course participation. An answer will be discussed in class.
Consider the following (partial) implementation of a Person class.
class Person {
public String getName() {
return name;
public String getTelephoneNumber() {
return "(" + officeAreaCode + ") " + officeNumber;
String getOfficeAreaCode() {
return officeAreaCode;
void setOfficeAreaCode( String areaCode ) {
officeAreaCode = areaCode;
String getOfficeNumber() {
return officeNumber;
void setOfficeNumber( String number ) {
officeNumber = number;
private String name;
private String officeAreaCode;
private String officeNumber;
Draw the UML class diagram for the refactored design.
Submit your diagram as a PNG file.