A1/A2 Sept 23rd Class Exercise
Class Participation Exercise Sept 23
Based on the Java code, design a UML class diagram that represents the structure of this these classes. Pay special attention to the relationships and their multiplicities (the 1 or 0.. or 1.. etc.).
Add your name and your partner's name (if you have one) to the diagram.
Upload a screenshot. If you worked in a pair, get the screenshot from your partner and upload the same screenshot.
You can screenshot a diagrammer of your choice, or draw it on paper and take a photo.
Do not change file extension without converting in a conversion application, you will make the file unreadable by eclass and get a zero. For example, renaming a file from .heif or .heic to .png will make it unreadable and you will get a zero. Instead, open it in a conversion tool like preview and export it as a different file format.
Here's a handy diagrammer online: https://app.diagrams.net/ IF that one doesn't work for you, try a different one. I use umlet personally, which you have to download and install. https://www.umlet.com/
Here's the Java code: code