Software Engineering

Lab 4 Participation Exercise

Lab 4 Slides

Lab 4 Slides

Extra Information

Command Line Authentication to GitHub

Sensitive Information and Git

What is Sensitive Information

Lab 4 Participation Exercise

This task is for teams.

  1. As a team:

    • Create an Organization in GitHub and then create a repository (repo name: Team name) under this organization.
    • Add your members as collaborators so the whole team will be able to commit to their branches.
    • Create a new Android Studio project (1 project per team) with the same name as the repo name (Team name).
    • Your android project folder is your local repository and write all the commands within this repo/directory.
    • Use 'git init', 'git add', 'git commit', and 'git push' to push your code to the remote
    • Use 'git remote add origin' to add the URL of your remote repo to this local repo.
    • The repository should include .gitignore to not include Android Studio settings files (.idea) and the project build folder.
    • Create an abstract class Shape (java file) with x and y integer fields (as a team).
    • Commit the change and push it to GitHub.
  2. As a member, on your local machine:

    • (Do not fork) Clone the repository and create a branch with your name (do not use CCID).
    • Create a model class (ex. circle, rectangle, star, etc) (new java file) that extends Shape in your own branch.
    • Commit the change and push the branch to GitHub.
    • Create a pull request to main in Github.
    • Ask another member to merge it.
    • Edit the Shape class by adding a color string field. (String color = "blue";) (local your-own branch)
    • Commit the change. (Don't push it)
    • As a team:

    • Edit the Shape class in the main branch on GitHub by adding a color string field. (String color = "$PUT_YOUR_CHOICE_OF_COLOR";)

    • Commit the change in GitHub.
    • As a member, on your local machine:

    • Pull the main branch from GitHub. You should have a conflict. (Origin/main -> local your-own)

    • Resolve the conflict.
    • Commit the change.
    • Push the branch to GitHub.

Please submit:

  1. Your CCID (not your student id number!)

  2. Link to your branch in the repository at eClass

Due Date

Friday after the Thursday lab at 4PM