Lab 4 Participation Exercise
Lab 4 Slides
Extra Information
Command Line Authentication to GitHub
- In the slides, authentication with GitHub is done using a token you generate with our account.
- GitHub has a command line tool which makes this process easier, and will generate and manage the token for you.
- GitHub has documentation about how to do this here.
- The summary of these steps is to first install the GitHub CLI, which will depend on what operating system you are using. The instructions for installation is here.
- Then, with the CLI tool installed, run the command
gh auth login
. The terminal will guide you through what you need to do. Please make sure to select that you want a account and want to use SSH as your protocol. - The documentation for the authentication command is located here
Sensitive Information and Git
What is Sensitive Information
- Git is a version control system which tracks all files, past and current, that you commit to it.
- This means that even if you remove a file or part of a file from your repository, it is still tracked and accessible in the history of your repository.
- As such, if you commit sensitive data, it is very difficult, if not impossible, to remove it.
- Sensitive data includes anything such as ID numbers (like your student ID number), API keys, passwords, etc.
- GitHub as some excellent documentation about best practices for avoiding this, located here.
- There is also information about removing sensitive information from your repository, but this should only be used in an emergency as it can have severe consequences if not done properly.
Lab 4 Participation Exercise
This task is for teams.
As a team:
- Create an Organization in GitHub and then create a repository (repo name: Team name) under this organization.
- Add your members as collaborators so the whole team will be able to commit to their branches.
- Create a new Android Studio project (1 project per team) with the same name as the repo name (Team name).
- Your android project folder is your local repository and write all the commands within this repo/directory.
- Use 'git init', 'git add', 'git commit', and 'git push' to push your code to the remote
- Use 'git remote add origin' to add the URL of your remote repo to this local repo.
- The repository should include .gitignore to not include Android Studio settings files (.idea) and the project build folder.
- Create an abstract class Shape (java file) with x and y integer fields (as a team).
- Commit the change and push it to GitHub.
As a member, on your local machine:
- (Do not fork) Clone the repository and create a branch with your name (do not use CCID).
- Create a model class (ex. circle, rectangle, star, etc) (new java file) that extends Shape in your own branch.
- Commit the change and push the branch to GitHub.
- Create a pull request to main in Github.
- Ask another member to merge it.
- Edit the Shape class by adding a color string field. (String color = "blue";) (local your-own branch)
- Commit the change. (Don't push it)
As a team:
Edit the Shape class in the main branch on GitHub by adding a color string field. (String color = "$PUT_YOUR_CHOICE_OF_COLOR";)
- Commit the change in GitHub.
As a member, on your local machine:
Pull the main branch from GitHub. You should have a conflict. (Origin/main -> local your-own)
- Resolve the conflict.
- Commit the change.
- Push the branch to GitHub.
Please submit:
Your CCID (not your student id number!)
Link to your branch in the repository at eClass
Due Date
Friday after the Thursday lab at 4PM