Software Engineering

Lab 5 Instructions

Lab 5 Instructions

Read Firestore 🔥.pdf for introduction of Firestore Follow instructions on Lab 5 Firestore Integration Instructions.pdf along with the TA. Complete Lab Exercise.

Download Starter Code here

Lab 5 Participation Exercise

Proper completion of this exercise is considered as part of course participation.

In this exercise it is your task to add the ability to delete Cities and integrate this functionality with the Firestore database, allowing for the persistence of deletions.

After applying the changes in the lab demo (LINK TO INSTRUCTIONS) to CustomList, add the ability to delete cities from the ListView and apply these same deletions to your instance of the Firestore database. If you have implemented this functionality correctly, restarting your app should not have an impact on what cities are displayed in your ListView after any addition or deletion actions.

Note: the design of the deletion functionality is up to you, however, we have uploaded a few mockups to give you some ideas.

Screen1 Screen2 Screen3

When submitting, please upload the whole Android Studio Project Folder (not just the source files or the 'app' directory), and give it a unique name.

Due Date

Friday after the Thursday lab at 4PM