Software Engineering

Lab 4 Participation Exercise Past Notes

PAST Lab Git Notes (Romansky)

Preliminaries: Git has two modes it runs in. You can run it as a client which is what most uses will be. Or, you can run it as a server service. Github runs git as a service. As a client, you can connect your computer to the service. The computer offering git as a service is after referred to as a remote, or remote computer. You should setup a Github account for this course. Your Github account should be professional. Please be safe for work! Your git repositories in this class should all use a FOSS license! You can read about .gitignore files if you want git to ignore files matching regular expressions like backup files that end in a ~.

cmd: git config --global "yourUserName"
cmd: git config --global ""
cmd: git config --global core.editor nano
cmd: git config --list

description: these commands setup your workstation git configurations which will be associated with each of the file changes you make through git. So, you should set them before you do anything.

cmd: git clone description: allows a developer to make a copy of a git repository from a remote location to the developers local work station. example: git clone result: makes a copy of the bpython repo on your computer!

cmd: git branch description: create a new code branch. The new branch will contain a copy of the current branches code. example: git branch bug444 result: creates a branch named bug444

cmd: git branch -a description: shows all current branches associated with the current working repo. This will list branches that exist on the local work station and the remote repositories associated with the repo.

cmd: git push -u origin description: this will push a local branch to a given remote git service. You have to run this command when you make a new local branch that you would also like to track on the remote server.

cmd: git add cmd: git rm description: add or remove a file from gits file tracking system

cmd: git status description: print the current changes that git can track or is not tracking

cmd: git checkout cmd: git checkout --branch description: git checkout lets you change which branch you are working in. The latter usage changes your current branch and creates a new branch with the given name.

cmd: git merge description: git merge will take a given branch name and merge it into your current working branch. This is useful if you would like to grab features from another branch of code.

cmd: git pull cmd: git push description: fetch the latest commits from origin, or push your latest changes to origin

Other commands, git remote, git rebase, and git fetch

Last modified: Tuesday, 3 September 2019, 11:58 PM