Practice w23hm1q1
Java to UML Class Diagram
Convert this Java code to a UML class diagram. This Java code is meant to represent a mouth tasting and consuming food. There are food, flavours, tongues, and taste buds.
Draw a well-designed UML class diagram to represent this information. Provide the basic abstractions, attributes, methods, relationships, multiplicities, and navigabilities as appropriate. "...” means much code is omitted.
import java.util.*;
class Mouth {
Collection<Tooth> teeth;
Tongue tongue;
// ...
class Tooth {
// ...
class Tongue {
private TasteBud[] buds;
Flavour taste(Food f) {
Flavour[] flavours = new Flavour[buds.length];
for (int i = 0; i < buds.length; i++) {
flavours[i] = buds[i].taste(f);
return new AggregateFlavour(flavours);
// ...
interface TasteBud {
public Flavour taste(Food f);
interface Flavour {
public int sweet();
public int salty();
class AggregateFlavour implements Flavour {
Flavour[] flavours;
AggregateFlavour(Flavour[] flav) {
flavours = flav;
public int sweet() {
// Sum of sweetness
// ...
public int salty() {
// Sum of salty
// ...
// ...
interface Food {
// ...