Software Engineering

Practice w23hm3q1

Midterm 3 Question 1 (March 29) -- Hindle

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5 marks

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Adapter and Sequence Diagram

You’ve written an object adapter (RTFAdapter) to adapt rich text files to an interface compatible with plain text files. Show your adaptation via a UML sequence diagram. Remember to include all the actors, components, lifelines, iteration, and activation boxes. Use good names for the methods.

We want to read the lines of a RichTextFile (RTF), but RichTextFile—which we got from a 3rd party library—doesn’t implement the same interface. You’ve implemented an object adapter so we can use the ReadOutLoud class to read out loud (readText) a RichTextFile.

interface TextLineReader {
    // while ! isEndOfile() you can call readNextLine                   
     public boolean isEndOfFile();    
     // move forward 1 line of text, read it, and return it.    
     public String readNextLine();
class PlainTextFile implements TextLineReader {
    public PlainTextFile(String file) { /* ... */ }
    public boolean isEndOfFile() { /* ... */ }
    public String readNextLine() { /* ... /; }
    / ... /
class RichTextFile {
    public RichTextFile(String file) { / ... */ }
    // How many lines in the RTF
    public int totalLines() { /* ... */ }
    // Return a specific line
    public String readLine(int i) { /* .../ }
    / ... /
class ReadOutLoud {
    public void readText(TextLineReader r) {
        while( ! r.isEndOfFile() ) {
                sayTheLine( r.readNextLine() );
    public void sayTheLine( String s) { / ... / }
    / ... /
class RTFAdapter implements TextLineReader {
    RTFAdapter(RichTextFile rtf) { / ... / }
    public boolean isEndOfFile() { / ... / }
    public String readNextLine() { / ... / }
    / ... */
public class Driver {
    public static void run() {
        new ReadOutLoud().readText(
            new RTFAdapter(
                new RichTextFile("text.rtf")