Software Engineering

Practice w23hpmq1

Convert this Java code to a UML class diagram. This Java code is meant to represent a animals. Draw a well-designed UML class diagram to represent this information. Provide the basic abstractions, attributes, methods, relationships, multiplicities, and navigabilities as appropriate.

"..." means much code is omitted.

class Animal {
    protected String name;
    protected int age;
    public String getName() { return name; }

interface Predator {
    public boolean hunt(Animal a);

interface Herbivore {
    public void eat(Plant p);

class Lion extends Animal implements Predator {
    public boolean hunt(Animal a) {
        // ...
    // ...

class Zebra extends Animal implements Herbivore {
    protected int stripes;
    public void eat(Plant p) {
        // ...

class Savannah {
    private int area;
    private Lion alphaLion;
    protected ArrayList<Animal> inhabitants = new ArrayList<Animal>();