Software Engineering

Lab 6 Instructions

Lab 6 Instructions

  1. Follow the slides on Javadoc and JUnit

  2. Follow instructions on this link along with the TA.

  3. Complete Lab Exercise.

Some known issues:

  1. "test events were not received" --> Solution: link

  2. "Error creating JavaDoc" --> Solution: link

Lab 6 Participation Exercise

Proper completion of this exercise is considered as part of course participation.

In this exercise your task is to implement and test the following methods in the CityList class AND create Javadocs for the main source files (not tests):

1) Implement and test these methods: - hasCity(City city) - When given a city, return whether or not it belongs in the list

    - Test to see whether your method is correct (Read delete(City city)

    - Check if a city is present in the list. If it does then remove it from the list, if not then **throw an exception**

    - Test to see if your method actually removes it from the list

    - Test to see if the exception is actually thrown (Read more here countCities()

    - Return how many cities are in the list

    -  Test to see whether your method is correct

2) Add Javadocs to all methods in CityList class and City class AND generate the javadocs to /app/javadocs

Submit the whole Project folder (not just source files or 'app')directory

Due Date

Friday after the Thursday lab at 4PM