Software Engineering

Lab 8 Participation Exercise

Lab 8 Instructions

In this lab, we will learn about test driven development (TDD) and continuous integration (CI). These are both solutions for solving some common software engineering problems using unit testing. We will go through the slides (updated version) posted below, and go through a live demo in class based on the instructions below to show you how to use TDD and CI.

Lab 8 Slides

Updated Slides

Original Slides

Lab 8 Instructions

Lab 8 Participation Exercise

Lab Exercise

• Implement has city, delete city, and count cities (same as lab 6), however, this time using TDD.

• Create each functionality one at a time, creating (and pushing) a test to create a failing build, before adding functionality to make it pass.

• e.g., create hasCity test, push for failing build, write functionality for hasCity to make passing build. Repeat for delete city and count cities.

Please submit the link to your repo/fork.

Due Date

Friday after the Thursday lab at 4PM